A change is due.

Oh, no. Not again!

Change happens. Shift happens.

But, things are comfortable the way they are!

The winds of change are blowing.

Lumps of dough on a cookie sheet become cookies with just a little heat and a little time. Wet clothes become dry with just a push of a dryer button or with a clothesline, a little sunshine, and a gentle breeze. Day slips into night without any effort. Seasons flow effortlessly through their appointed rounds. Change happens effortlessly.

Jesus turned water into wine with the power of intent and through His Divine Authority. Are you not divine in spirit?

The struggle comes from lack of clarity of intent. Before there was cookie dough, there was intent to create cookies; the gathering and mixing of ingredients; the spooning of dough onto the cookie sheet; setting the oven; setting the timer and waiting. These steps require action, yet the amount of effort depends upon the amount of resistance or dread. Making cookies out of duty or obligation adds a heaping measure of resistance and effort! Making cookies out of willingness and joyful anticipation of sharing the result with loved ones creates delight, fun, and creativity.

The key then rests upon noticing the intent of any action taken. Am I responding to unexpressed expectations? (My own or someone else’s) Am I in auto pilot where I’ve cut off my spirit, my willingness, my intent, and my divine nature?

Am I pulling weeds because I hate weeds or because I love the sight of weed-free flowers blooming in the yard? Ok, so there may be a measure of satisfaction when a weed lets go with just the right amount of pulling on my part. Even so, what is the intent? Hate? Or satisfaction and joy? Which most easily gets me off the sofa and into the garden? Which offers sustainable energy to keep me motivated to finish?

What might you really prefer in your life? What intent underlies your life right now? Does resistance ever stop change from happening? Do expectations fill the soul? Right now, there is an underlying intent running in your life. Your life is the result of this

intent. Do you like what you are experiencing? Wonderful! Keep supporting that intent and flowing with that energy.

If life seems difficult right now, a change is due. If struggles bite at your heels, you know you are ready for a change.

Focus upon selecting a clear intent for this change. Create an “I Am” statement to support the journey. “I Am peaceful.” “I Am living abundantly.” “I Am supported and blessed.” “I Am blessed and am a blessing.” Be very clear with this broad intent.

The Universe then supports change in your behalf by bringing you insights and awareness for your next step for your journey as it unfolds effortlessly.

The winds of change are blowing. You are the source of change in your own life and for changes in the world.

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