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  • Messages From The Ancient Ones – Surrender into Great Joy

There is great joy in the world. Also, great sadness. Which do you feel? One level of your perceptions allows you to notice the great suffering so that you may be a piece of the healing puzzle. Another level of your perceptions allows you to notice the great joy so that you may heal yourself.

Both perceptions have value, yet getting lost in the perception of pain weakens your spirit. It is only from the place of great joy that one can venture into the great sadness and not be diminished by it.

Surrender into the great joy. This allows you to fall into the Divine arms of Love for support and sustenance. Awaken to the great joy and this allows you to hear your inner calling. Listen to the great joy and this allows you to sense your spiritual connections to all things. Dance in this great joy and you find your true family.

From this place of great joy and receiving support and sustenance, hearing your inner calling, sensing your spiritual connections and your true family you shall find fulfillment. This fulfillment abides within you in all circumstances.

If you feel shaken in your sense of this joy, the fast access track for reconnecting into this great joy abides in prayers of gratitude. Really allow yourself to feel the gratitude for something significant. Heat in the cold weather is significant! Offer a prayer of gratitude for that! Medicine when feeling ill is significant! Offer a prayer of gratitude for that! Not needing medication because you are well is significant! Offer prayers of gratitude for that instead!

Gratitude seems hard or duty-bound until you really consider the blessing behind the gratitude. Once you reclaim those blessings - even the small ones hold great significance! - then you easily flow into the energy of great joy.

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