I was resting outside in my lawn chair a few minutes ago. I ran through a few tapping rounds utilizing the 5 Waterfalls of Light info. I tapped the heal of my hand and said, “I hereby move into the Waterfalls of Light.” I tapped over of the tapping points saying, “I step into Active Peace wherein I enjoy relaxed intensity.” I then tapped through the other tapping points saying, “I access Vitality by releasing efforting/anguishing about things I cannot change nor things I do not understand.” Then I did a round of tapping saying, “I notice Courage building as I get clearer and stronger.” Then, “I open myself to Expansive Awareness that allows me to be guided and become aware of that guidance.” Then, “I sense a renewed depth of Compassion for myself and for others as a result.” Then I just continued to rest in the lawn chair with my eyes closed expecting to fall asleep.

For some unknown reason, I opened my eyes.

Soaring right above me was a RED-TAILED HAWK!

The Red-Tailed Hawk is a spirit animal totem for me. I told Phil and he saw it too (so it was for real!)

I cannot tell you the gratitude that flowed from my heart at that moment! It was profound! I have not seen a hawk over our property since the construction started over 4 years ago. I occasionally will hear a hawk’s piercing cry as it hunts in the nearby fields for mice, but this is the first sighting in years.

Why did I open my eyes?

Why at that very moment did I see that hawk?

Was it because I had finished tapping the 5 Waterfalls of Light, I was feeling Peace, Vitality, Courage, Expanded Awareness and Compassion? I was, certainly, at that very moment, guided to open my eyes to receive the blessing of sighting my spirit animal.

The Red-Tailed Hawk symbolizes one who is aware of the interconnectedness of all things and holds a reverence for all life. It bestows the gift of vision and inspiration for guidance for others in their awakening. (adapted from Ted Andrews, Animal Speak)

I must admit, I had been feeling kinda low and feeling as if I wasn’t very connected. Apparently that connection was renewed BIG TIME!!!

We all could use renewal now and then. I’m so grateful I felt led to do some tapping. I’m so very grateful I responded to the sense to open my eyes. I’m so very grateful my connection was renewed in a big way!

How might you renew your own connection? There is no wrong way to reconnect. Tapping is just one way. Prayer is another (though I think the tapping that I was doing WAS a prayer!) Taking time to notice the bright things in one’s life. Even when we are down or feeling low, Spirit can and will bring to our attention bright things to brighten our day.

We often feel guilty for feeling down or low. That’s a part of that efforting/anguishing that we get to let go of. We can let go of shame and blame about our life’s journey and step up into a greater awareness of who we really are and how truly connected we can be. May your connection be blessed!

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