Each February we look at Valentine’s Day and chocolates, along with the loves of our lives and how to cherish them. This February, let’s look at cherishing ourselves. It’s so much easier to bestow love and appreciation upon the object of our affection than it is to honor and cherish one’s self.

Surprisingly, one of the most profound ways to cherish ourselves is to do a kindness to another person. When we offer a helping hand or a kind word to another person, a flood of beneficial chemicals flow into our physical form.

Just today, I was going to have lunch with Phil and as we walked past a neighboring table, I noticed the older lady had the sweetest smile as she waited for her food. The person she was with seemed lost in her own lunch and yet this lady was graciously sitting and waiting with a lovely smile as she just seemed to embrace the moment. She was not looking at anyone or anything in particular—just enjoying the moment. I leaned toward her as we walked past and I said, “You have a lovely smile.”

It was as if her energy ignited. She lit up. She didn’t smile any bigger, but there was a beaming from within that was visible (at least to me.) It made my heart sing and I felt as if I was beaming, too! A simple thing as a kind word blessed us both.

It may have been a kindness to her, but it was a kindness to me as well. A gift given and a gift received all at the same moment. Divine Source amplified a simple comment into a brilliant burst of Light.

A kindness withheld reduces the light. If there is a kindness to be spoken or achieved, do it. Do it for the other person and do it for the self. The self becomes richly blessed by a kindness offered to another. This kindness offered opens channels of light between two strangers perhaps, yet opens greater channels of light between the self and Divine Source. Within these channels, blessings flow. Light expands. Love grows. Light shines.

Yes, it’s a great challenge to be kind to one’s self directly. It’s a challenge we all accept as we step into being a greater expression of Love and Light in our journey here on Earth. Taking the step of kindness towards others aids us in this discovery of sacred self and honoring our own sacred self.

We are all in this together. What blessings we bestow amplify and brighten the journey. Ready for the deep truth of this? Truth is, that lady’s smile I saw reflected back to me the smile within my own soul. By acknowledging her smile, I acknowledged my soul’s joyful expression. What ever beautiful thing you notice, what ever kindness you bestow, reveals the beauty within your own soul! Take notice. Holy Wow!

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