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  • New Direction, Same Healing Light

The Law of Impermanence tells us everything can and will change. Often that change happens unexpectedly. Sometimes those changes happen rapidly. The Law of Impermanence certainly smacked the Healing Light Expo rapidly and unexpectedly!

Just 6 weeks before our Expo weekend, the Red Lion Hotel notified us of a broken water pipe that caused significant damage in the Expo area. That left them insufficient time to facilitate repairs to be ready for our Expo. We immediately searched either for new dates that would work or for a new venue to host Expo. Alas, those options vanished.

“So what, now what?” we asked ourselves. Let’s do something different! What might that be? Mini events began to take form. A Crystal Conference! A mini vendor fair! A Drumming Healing Labyrinth Walk! (The Divine Fellowship created a permanent Labyrinth in their parking lot many years ago. Time to utilize it more!) A Voices from Beyond! (Visiting with the Other Side) A drum making workshop! Intuitive Seminars and workshops!

Rather than an Expo, we shifted gears. Exit: Expo. Enter: The Healing Light – Events and Workshops to Illuminate Your Spiritual Path. We even have a new look. 

What could we put together in time to host during what would have been our Expo event? A day of Seminars and Workshops came first. We invited some folks to speak, and other speakers volunteered right away. Amazingly, the topics all seemed to align! Happy happenstance? Divine intervention? You decide . . . All the seminars and workshops centered around the theme of our soul’s journey.

What is our soul’s journey? What is our purpose? How do we find that purpose? Do our past lives have anything to do with it? Are there signs and omens along the way? What do our current struggles mean? How do we get out of our own way? We all have questions . . .lots of questions. Join us on March 23rd from 8:30 – 5pm (with lots of free snack breaks and time for networking) for The Healing Light event: SoulQuest 2024. $30/person or $50/couple. You will find great speakers, intriguing subjects, yummy snacks, fun raffle items, opportunities to walk the Healing Labyrinth, do some Spring Forest Qigong, and time to make new friends.

Click here to check out the SoulQuest 2024 Schedule. 

See you March 23rd at The Divine Fellowship, 513 Barth Ave, Richland.

Maybe our shift came just at the right time for your shift.

Next up . . . The Healing Light Crystal Conference May 17th, 18th and 19th!

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